Enigma Toy Corp. Logo
Black and white concept logo that was created for a start-up company.
Examples of work from the past are displayed here. There is no particular order of the works. Each image has a title and a description of what it was for below it. Client information has been kept private per request.
Black and white concept logo that was created for a start-up company.
Icon created for a client who wanted an icon for their game.
Logo done for a client for their group on a gaming platform.
This icon was done for personal use on social media platforms in profile pictures.
"Time Banner" was created for personal use for a client who wanted to use it on their social media as a banner.
"Mathematical Banner" was created for a client who was running a business and needed a banner for the social media page.
This set of icons were made for an client who wanted to have simple social icons for their website.
The icons were created for a donut game. This is only some of the many icons made for the client.
Business cards designed for Ifirma.pl.
A simple, regular style of a business card.
Created for a client for a quest-like theme.
Created for a client's music site.
This business card was made to have a simple look.
A logo designed for a group called the Rocketeers who work with kids in the STEM field.
This is one of a couple variants in design of business cards that was created for Enigma.
This logo was made for group called Ro-Print.